Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sri Ramayanam by Sri U Ve Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy

Yesteray(23-Mar-08) I got chance to listen to Sri U VeVelukkudi Krishnan Swamy lecture on Ramayanam. The lecture on Ramayanam is for 9 consecutive days inVani Mahal T.Nagar.
First time when I listened to his lecture on upanishad, it was bouncers to me. Sri U Ve VelukkudiKrishnan Swamy is CA gold medalist and have held several high postions before he plunged into spirtuality. The amount of knowledge he possess is quite staggering. Today some people say Ramayanam,Mahabharatam is myth but Sri U Ve Velukkudi KrishnanSwamy lecture is a fitting answer to those.
Some of facts, he talked on yesterday session partfrom the slogams.
1) Ramayanam took place nearly 16 lakh years back
2) We are in Kali Yuga approx. 5300 Years is completedin this, still 5,27,000 years is yet to be completedin Kali Yuga.
3) Ramayana has around 24,000 slogams. Mahabharatamhas around 2 lakh slogams.
4) Valmiki wrote Ramayana based on the inputs fromNarathar & Brahma.
5) Ithikasam like Ramayanam & Mahabharatam are writtenduring the period the event has occured . Purams like Vishnu puranam etc are written after theoccurance of the event.
6) Sri Ramar went to Vana vasam at the age of 25 andat the age of 40, he back came and ruled Ayodha for14,000 years.
7) At the end of 14,000 years Ramar reached paramapadam.
8) Sita reached parama padam when Lava & kucha was 6years old.
9) Valmiki started writing Ramayana when Sri Ramar wasaround 40 yrs old. Lava & Kucha was born after 10,000years after that only Valmiki did complete the SriRamayanam.
10) The main lessons from Ramayana is to treat ourparents well and Sri Ramar showed how a
person shouldbe, while Sri Krishnar gave lecture in gita based onRamayanam.

Note: The exact years mentioned above may not match asI remember only a few.

Adiyan Ramanuja Dasan



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